Solve the Riddles – CCA Activity for Grade 7 & 8

From Bilbo Baggins to the Mad Hatter form Teddy Roosevelt to James Joyce every one adores a good riddle. Riddles are found throughout the canvas of our literature and history.
Delving in to the long tradition of a good brain twister, Grades 7 & 8 conducted a Riddle solving competition on 4th September, 2019. This competition enabled the students to sharpen their critical and analytical thinking along with compelling them to think outside the box.
The winners of the competition are:
1 st position – Subhadra Anand (VII A)
2nd position – Neha R (VII B)
3rd position – Krishna Barath Bhaaradwaj (VII D)
1 st position – Angela Annie Prashant (VIII B)
2nd position – Himali M Suresh (VIII C)
3rd position – Kulsum attarwala (VIII A)


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