Interschool Badminton Tournament

We are ecstatic to announce that our school has clinched the championship title in the interschool badminton tournament organized by Srunga International School on 31st August 2024.

Throughout the tournament, our team displayed exceptional skill, strategic play and unwavering determination. Each match was a showcase of precision, agility, and teamwork, as our players fought hard to secure their victories. Their superior technique and tactical acumen led them to a well-deserved triumph, demonstrating the strength of their preparation and practice.

This victory is a collective achievement, reflecting the support and encouragement from our dedicated coaches Mr. Giri & Mr. Dhanesh, the relentless effort of our players and the backing of our entire school community.

Name(s) Event Category Position
Sai Anisha Under 10 Girls 4D 1st
Kamini Under 10 Girls 3N 2nd
Aarush Under 12 Boys 6E 3rd
Aarya Under 12 Girls 5F 3rd
Saai Siddhaanth Under 14 Boys 7D 1st
Jaanhavi Under 14 Girls 8F 1st
Saai Siddhaanth Under 16 Boys 7D 1st
Shiva Shankar Under 16 Boys 9G 2nd
Jaanhavi Under 16 Girls 8F 1st

We extend our heartfelt congratulations to all our players for their stellar performances and to our coaches for their strategic guidance and support.



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